What is LOVE?

ImageLOVE is everything. LOVE is everywhere. It’s in the breaths between lovers. It’s in the gaze of a mother as she looks upon her newborn baby. It’s a star shooting across the night sky. Love shows up in the monotony of day to day life and then in large unexpected ways. It’s right in front of us when we need it the most and other times requires a bit of searching. But it’s always there.

Many discussions about love have been had in recent months. It has kind of been the theme of my life- partly because it’s had to. Ever evolving, the spiraling nature of this action has been a constant presence in my world. It ebbs and flows, expands and contracts- some moments spent as the receiver and some as the giver.

I’m not sure if there is an “official” term for one who studies LOVE. I suppose I could make one up. Loveologist? There is the term erotology which is the study of the science of love but I’m not sure if that is exactly what I am looking for or not. Love in some form or another has been in existence since the dawn of time- I believe it’s how this entire universe was created (though scientists may disagree). I have always delighted in a good love story- I suppose they are typically written in terms of romance though. I want to explore all of the many ways LOVE has spanned across time and space. How do other cultures express their love? How has love been represented in our history of the human race? Where did the symbol of the heart come from and why do we associate that image with love? What does love mean in the religious sense? What are the chemical reactions that occur in the brain when one experiences love? And how does that translate when comparing romantic love to platonic love? For some, love is such a complicated concept and yet it is actually quite simple. Sure at times it can be a challenge but it is those times when we need it the most. So go ahead~ Open. Live love. Be love.

How will YOU choose to LOVE?