Soul Sisters

ImageWe are not sisters in the biological sense. In fact, we are actually mother and daughter. These are the roles we have spent many of our years playing. It is different now. It is much easier to see her as not just my mother, but a woman herself, now that I am a woman. She is beautiful. And she will be here, in Arizona, on Wednesday!

I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful relationship with this amazing woman. Naturally, part of me will always see her as my mum (especially when I am not feeling well and want her to rub my back). But she is so much more than that to me now. She carries experience, wisdom, a great sense of humor and so much more. Were we always destined to be such friends? So many mothers and daughters do not (or choose not) to share the type of friendship we do. This is why MoonStruck even came to be! We always knew we wanted to work together. It just kinda made sense. We feed off of one another for inspiration, energy and support. Our views and goals are similar. We both have a strong affinity for pink and glitter (though some may call it an obsession). We love the idea of sisterhood and women creating community amongst themselves. It is what drives our passions.

It has been just over a year since I saw my mum last. We skype, we talk on the phone close to every day…it’s just not quite the same. I am greatly looking forward to the next 3 months as we create, laugh, connect and grow into our destinies just a little bit more. It is this relationship that makes me long for a daughter of my own. I want to carry down this legacy of sisterhood that I share with my mother. I want my daughter to know the strong line of women she comes from. I want her to expand and create her own. I want her to be blessed as I have been.

Women We Love

Project time! I want to create a “incredible women we love” virtual board on our MoonStruck website and/or FB page. At some point this virtual board will become a wall in our business space.

What we are looking for is for you ladies to submit to us a photo with a short story about a special woman who has made a difference in your life or the life of others. It has to be someone you know (or knew) but does not have to be related to you (living or not)- mother, sister, friend, boss-

Let this be an opportunity for us to connect, get to know one another, support and love each other! ♥ Please include in your email YOUR name, location and relationship to this woman.

Email your photo and story to
Art by J.C. Spock~