
For the most part, I believe in them. Or maybe it’s more of a I need to believe in them. And it seems to be more necessary now that my dad has died. I want to be able to connect with him so I “talk” to him through the moon, a butterfly that floats by, and other small unexpected things. As he was dying, there was a constant stream of hummingbirds that made their presence known to a few of my family members, as well as fluttering outside of my dad’s hospice room- so now everytime I see one I say “hello” to my dad.

I think it is possible to connect with spirits and other beings in realms that exist beyond ours. I think this is possible because everything is energy- and energy has the ability to show itself in many different ways. This is why I believe in magic. This is why I believe in love. Anyone and everyone is capable of this type of communication. It is simply a matter of tapping into that deeply rooted part of our intuition. It can be done with practice but I also believe it can happen unexpectedly. Sometimes the very act of trying too hard can set up boundaries. It is when we soften and allow ourselves to remain fully open in our hearts that these experiences can make themselves known to us. Image

My soon-to-be niece will be making her grand presence into our world at any moment. I have had this image of my dad sitting with her and sharing his widely known words of wisdom as she prepares for her life in our world. I like the idea of them getting to know one another as grandfather and granddaughter- wherever their souls currently reside. I believe this time is near and my dad is watching out over all of us and sending his love which became all the more apparent as my mum, her dear friend and I were watching television this evening. I took a picture of what we saw (see photo). This little white heart came across the screen as a great big sign- not as a part of the commercial or movie we were watching- but in the screen itself. It spent some time here, and then *poof* it was gone! These are the signs. These are the reminders that the ones we love are always and forever with us. My father has died but my love for him has not. So where does the love go? Apparently everywhere…including my TV.

Tea Time!

ImageIt was an afternoon of decorating hats, making wishes, reading tea leaves and tasting delicious treats, all within a circle of women. Today marked our 2nd official MoonStruck event and once again we celebrate a success! Not large in numbers but everyone who was meant to be a part of today, was. My mother-in-law was in town and a wonderful addition to our circle.

This particular gathering attracted a much younger demographic (a nine month old and her 4 year old sister!). I love to see the younglings surrounded by a beautiful group of diverse women. I think it is so important for their character, self-esteem and hearts to understand the importance of sisterhood as they grow into women themselves. If I ever have a daughter someday, this is the environment that will surround her. I also believe it is just as important for us adults to have young children around as a reminder for what matters in life. They help us remember a time when life was always full of magic and wonder. There is an innocence and sweetness to their interaction and relationship with the world. We should all cherish such moments. Image

I come away from days like this feeling inspired. I have a renewed sense of passion and creativity. I feel blessed to be in the company of such amazing and loving women. This is what MoonStruck is all about. It’s the whimsy of little treasures that sparkle, the laughter during story telling, the connection and support we feel when going through a difficult time, the inspiration that comes from learning something new and the recognition that each of these women are ultimately a reflection of a part of myself. I am not separate from them, nor they from I. We may be individual threads, but we all come from the same glittering tapestry.

To all current and future MoonStruckers, may you be blessed and discover the magic that awaits you!

Soul Sisters

ImageWe are not sisters in the biological sense. In fact, we are actually mother and daughter. These are the roles we have spent many of our years playing. It is different now. It is much easier to see her as not just my mother, but a woman herself, now that I am a woman. She is beautiful. And she will be here, in Arizona, on Wednesday!

I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful relationship with this amazing woman. Naturally, part of me will always see her as my mum (especially when I am not feeling well and want her to rub my back). But she is so much more than that to me now. She carries experience, wisdom, a great sense of humor and so much more. Were we always destined to be such friends? So many mothers and daughters do not (or choose not) to share the type of friendship we do. This is why MoonStruck even came to be! We always knew we wanted to work together. It just kinda made sense. We feed off of one another for inspiration, energy and support. Our views and goals are similar. We both have a strong affinity for pink and glitter (though some may call it an obsession). We love the idea of sisterhood and women creating community amongst themselves. It is what drives our passions.

It has been just over a year since I saw my mum last. We skype, we talk on the phone close to every day…it’s just not quite the same. I am greatly looking forward to the next 3 months as we create, laugh, connect and grow into our destinies just a little bit more. It is this relationship that makes me long for a daughter of my own. I want to carry down this legacy of sisterhood that I share with my mother. I want my daughter to know the strong line of women she comes from. I want her to expand and create her own. I want her to be blessed as I have been.