
ImageMagic, manifestation, universal alignment- whatever you want to call it, it’s happening. There are those who believe that events just occur without reason. It’s what the rational mind calls coincidence. Personally, I like to believe that the Universe is a bit more magical- playful even- than that. 

I feel to better recognize the “signs” life is constantly sending our direction, it is our job to receive with an open heart and open mind. So many things/people have come into my life always at just the right moment. It may not have been on my terms or in the time when wanted them to occur, but sometimes the Universe has a plan of its own. When these things happen, it opens me in such a way that I feel completely connected. That whole mind, body, spirit thing? It’s no joke. When those three things are in alignment, there is just a “knowing” that even if I don’t like what life is currently handing out, it is still perfect.

Much of the work we as women (humans) are here to do, involves connection. Certainly as women it is something we tend to thrive at. Connection to family and friends, earth, God (whatever that is for you), breath and community are vital to our being. When we lose that sense of connection, we lose a part of ourselves- our energy depletes, our hearts darken, nothing in our life seems to “go right”. I don’t think we all value just how much being receptive to these signs or synchronicities actually helps to fuel our souls. They bring inspiration and possibilities. 

Now I realize that it seems just about impossible to hold that particular state of being all the time. We’re human. Each one of us has within us light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. It’s the nature of duality. And guess what? It’s ok to play and move between those spaces. One cannot exist without the other- they are both one in the same. Everyone and everything is connected. The sooner each one of us can embrace that idea, the more at peace we will all be. 

So what can we do to help open our hearts? What will help us to recognize the signs in our lives?


*create a sacred space in your home


*walks in nature

*practice truly being present in each given moment

*go volunteer for a good cause


*conscious breathing

*be a positive role model in your community

*practice random acts of kindness


*spread love, joy (and maybe even a little glitter) everywhere you go

*pay attention