
ImageMagic, manifestation, universal alignment- whatever you want to call it, it’s happening. There are those who believe that events just occur without reason. It’s what the rational mind calls coincidence. Personally, I like to believe that the Universe is a bit more magical- playful even- than that. 

I feel to better recognize the “signs” life is constantly sending our direction, it is our job to receive with an open heart and open mind. So many things/people have come into my life always at just the right moment. It may not have been on my terms or in the time when wanted them to occur, but sometimes the Universe has a plan of its own. When these things happen, it opens me in such a way that I feel completely connected. That whole mind, body, spirit thing? It’s no joke. When those three things are in alignment, there is just a “knowing” that even if I don’t like what life is currently handing out, it is still perfect.

Much of the work we as women (humans) are here to do, involves connection. Certainly as women it is something we tend to thrive at. Connection to family and friends, earth, God (whatever that is for you), breath and community are vital to our being. When we lose that sense of connection, we lose a part of ourselves- our energy depletes, our hearts darken, nothing in our life seems to “go right”. I don’t think we all value just how much being receptive to these signs or synchronicities actually helps to fuel our souls. They bring inspiration and possibilities. 

Now I realize that it seems just about impossible to hold that particular state of being all the time. We’re human. Each one of us has within us light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. It’s the nature of duality. And guess what? It’s ok to play and move between those spaces. One cannot exist without the other- they are both one in the same. Everyone and everything is connected. The sooner each one of us can embrace that idea, the more at peace we will all be. 

So what can we do to help open our hearts? What will help us to recognize the signs in our lives?


*create a sacred space in your home


*walks in nature

*practice truly being present in each given moment

*go volunteer for a good cause


*conscious breathing

*be a positive role model in your community

*practice random acts of kindness


*spread love, joy (and maybe even a little glitter) everywhere you go

*pay attention

Falling in Love all over again

ImageWith my yoga practice that is. I have been an on and off practitioner/student/teacher over the last 14 years. In the last couple of years, hoop dance kind of replaced my yoga practice. Both offer similar benefits, but I was just enjoying the fun and upbeat energy of hooping more than where I was at in my yoga flow. In the last month or so, this has all changed for me. Nothing has changed as far as my love for hooping BUT, my love for my yoga practice has renewed itself.

I have been picking up a bunch of classes where I work these last number of weeks, and it has been a joy getting back into my teaching groove. It’s funny how this yoga “teacher” thing works, as we are truly the perpetual student. Sure, I can call out names of asanas, help students correct their alignment and be a constant reminder to bring their awareness to their breath…I have a certification to prove it. But is that all that yoga is? Is that my only “job” as their teacher? The western stereotype would tell most people yes. The true yogis of the world I’m sure, would adamantly disagree. And I would have to agree with them. I believe it is natural in our culture to be drawn to the physical benefits of our practice- and there is nothing wrong with that. Given enough time and self reflection however, and you come to realize that there is more to this “yoga” than just being able to wrap your leg around your head. This is where I am at with things.

There are a couple of ailments that I am working with through my asana practice, sure. But it is within the stillness of these moments that I am connecting to so much more. By closely paying attention to what comes up for me- emotionally, mentally and spiritually- I am going to places far beyond the surface and am feeling quite excited about it. It is not that my actual practice has changed much, but it is all being seen through new eyes. I am finding it more magical…more enchanting. I am aware of it in my day to day life. My body and soul yearn for it now, for it provides a space where I feel more easily connected to spirit.

Not everyone is in the same space, and that’s ok. I am not here to judge- myself or anyone else. I am simply here to recognize the beauty of this practice and where it is taking me moment to moment. It is a reflection of me, of you and God (however that translates for you)- which are ultimately one in the same. And that my friends, is LOVE.

How I got my groove back.

ImageIt’s been awhile since I had a good hard core, rock out, hoop jam session, but tonight was my night. Part of it has been that the husband and I have just recently returned from a 6 week road trip. The other part of it has been that it  has not dropped below 105 degrees for some time now- and that is just too dang hot to do anything in! Today however I decided to bite the desert dust and go for it, for it has been long over due. That and I have a brand new, super awesome, LED atomic hoop to boot! This hoop is the bees knees and has been patiently sitting in the corner of my room just waiting for a good spin. 

I gave it a go earlier in the day while the sun was still behind cloud cover. I suppose I lasted 15 minutes or so before that burning orb decided to make an inevitable appearance and bake me from the inside out. It felt good but didn’t feel quite enough. My attempt to go to the gym today was quickly thwarted once we arrived and realized that it closes early on Sunday. No matter. It left me with plenty of energy to head out into the cover of night and get my hoop groove on. This plan of action didn’t actually come to fruition until I was finished salivating over my hearty dinner of hawaiian pizza and subjecting my eyes to some rather inspirational hoop videos. They get me every time. 

But that is only half the motivation. The other half consists of music. I will admit, I have been in a music rut. It’s amazing when one has close to 600 songs on one’s playlist and there is just nothing on there worth listening to anymore. That put me on a mission and subsequently brought with it the purchase of 3 new tunes. Naturally, I will listen to these songs until death do us part, (so a few weeks straight maybe?) and then it will once again be time for something new. For this particular evening, they well served their purpose. 

Finally ready to go with hoop in hand and iPod in pocket, I cranked the music and let my body fly. The moon was out and about and gazed over me as I danced. I noticed lightening off in the distance flashing its flashy bolts, probably happy for the company of my flashy lights. I twirled. I swirled. I moved my body in soft, swaying, goddess-like ways. My insides sang songs of bliss. My bare feet took delight connecting to the earth. I transported to a place of freedom with the moon as my witness. 

All this happened in the span of an hour. It was all I needed. 

And this is how I got my groove back.