Tea Time!

ImageIt was an afternoon of decorating hats, making wishes, reading tea leaves and tasting delicious treats, all within a circle of women. Today marked our 2nd official MoonStruck event and once again we celebrate a success! Not large in numbers but everyone who was meant to be a part of today, was. My mother-in-law was in town and a wonderful addition to our circle.

This particular gathering attracted a much younger demographic (a nine month old and her 4 year old sister!). I love to see the younglings surrounded by a beautiful group of diverse women. I think it is so important for their character, self-esteem and hearts to understand the importance of sisterhood as they grow into women themselves. If I ever have a daughter someday, this is the environment that will surround her. I also believe it is just as important for us adults to have young children around as a reminder for what matters in life. They help us remember a time when life was always full of magic and wonder. There is an innocence and sweetness to their interaction and relationship with the world. We should all cherish such moments. Image

I come away from days like this feeling inspired. I have a renewed sense of passion and creativity. I feel blessed to be in the company of such amazing and loving women. This is what MoonStruck is all about. It’s the whimsy of little treasures that sparkle, the laughter during story telling, the connection and support we feel when going through a difficult time, the inspiration that comes from learning something new and the recognition that each of these women are ultimately a reflection of a part of myself. I am not separate from them, nor they from I. We may be individual threads, but we all come from the same glittering tapestry.

To all current and future MoonStruckers, may you be blessed and discover the magic that awaits you!

MoonStruck Madness

ImageThey came, we gathered, it was everything I hoped it would be. Some of the women I knew and others became quick friends. It’s amazing how connections are made. We had 11 women join us (plus me and my mum). The day prior had been spent turning my backyard into a magical space and it seemed to have paid off! There was a Goddess Temple, a marketplace, an ancestor/wild woman tree and a wall of inspiration with chalk writings. We had tarot readings, toe readings, hooping, a dress up basket, paint for body art and lots of delicious treats for munching.Image

We began our gathering with a women’s circle. A chance to introduce ourselves to one another and share why we are wanting to set free our wild woman. I find it so incredibly powerful when women join in a circle and share their stories. You can always find a common link between them. Young, old, mothers, daughters, friends, strangers… We set our intention for the evening and for MoonStruck. We had each woman write down what their wish or desire was for MoonStruck. Also included was a ceremony using flying wish paper. This involves writing down a wish or intention for yourself, lighting the paper on fire, and watching your wish literally fly up into the sky above. One after the other, we sent our intentions into the Universe.

ImageI have hosted events before~ wedding, housewarmings, birthday parties etc. This was different. This was about putting myself out into the world and asking friends and people I didn’t even know before last night, to come support my passion. So much love and hard work went into making this happen. There weren’t great numbers of women but it was perfect. Everyone who was supposed to be there, was. Having our first successful gathering has made this venture so much more real now. Watching these women as they connected helped me realize that I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing. I am excited to watch as we grow, to collaborate with these amazing women and ultimately be a positive force in this community. Waking up to this event yesterday had me more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. There was joyous anticipation and happiness in my bones. I felt that everything I had spent my life creating was finally coming together. And this is just the beginning.