
We all have them. Sometimes they seem too high. Sometimes we don’t set them high enough. The topic came up today while the other half of MoonStruck and I were sitting by a fountain in a outdoor shopping area. Do we as women want too much? I look at my life and it’s pretty good. Married to a man I love, live in a nice home, my “jobs” consist of teaching and doing things I am passionate about and yet, there still seems to be this looming sensation that “something” is missing. I need more. Are my expectation to unrealistic?

I don’t have children, which gives me the freedom and flexibility to come and go and do things as I please, but would having them be enough to fulfill me? Personally, I don’t believe so (and believe me, I would love to be a mother!). I know there are mothers out there who live and breathe their children and that is wonderful if that is their path, but do they want anything more than that? Because I don’t currently have kids, I have expressed to my husband that I need more from our marriage. Not that it is even remotely close to being awful- we deeply love one another and share much in common- but I want to be so head-over-heels in love with one another that we make people nauseous. I want us to live in our own private world that only we have access to. I want more passion and adventure!

Now I am not limiting this to my marriage only. I want all of these things to cross every aspect of my life. I feel like I need more magic in my waking moments. I believe life should be colorful, full of whimsy and rich with love. Much of this is fully present in my world, but I feel like there could be more. It seems easy to speak the words and have the ideas- however, I find myself yearning to translate these affirmations into a daily living practice. I seem to have this idea that once I actually open MoonStruck, this will provide the space that inspires these actions. Almost as though it will become some sort of temple for me. I thrive in the company of strong, creative and passionate women. I am inspired by inspiration.

Certainly each moment is a choice. How will I choose to receive this moment? Will I see it as an opportunity to grow? Will I look beyond the surface to find the magic within? When life is happily and smoothly sailing by, the response is easy. The world is seen through rose colored glasses and we act accordingly. But it is in those times of discomfort, pain and/or struggle that we find ourselves challenged. I suppose this is what most of us are constantly trying to “work” through. The idea of being in a constant state of bliss just does not seem very realistic to most. So, does that mean that my expectations are just too far out there? If I continue to surround myself with positive and magic-like beings, is it possible to achieve this state of existence? I know the choice ultimately comes from within, but perhaps invoking this energy from as many sources as possible will allow the energy to permeate my soul until it has no other option other than to be joyous and magical at all times. It is a work in progress.

In the meantime, I will continue to leave a trail of glitter wherever I walk, keep my wish box full of wishes and admire my new little snow globe that holds my totem (an elephant).


Wishing, Wanding, wondering~

IMG_9291Yes, this looks like a pretty, but simple, stick.  To the naked eye.  I’m striving to look  beyond what is apparent to what may lie underneath.  That’s my vow for this new phase of my life, after having gone through a year of “no mojo” due, at least in my eyes, to menopause.  Yep, I feel like I’m waking up from the lethargy of this past year and the hard-hitting menopausal symptoms.

Which is why I am going to study this stick and transform it into a wand that will steady me, sturdy me, focus me, and be, all in all, a completely magical, whimsical, and super-pretty object d’art!

I’m already starting out with the lovely striations of bark.  Do you know what type of  branch this is?  It’s not just any old branch!  No, indeed!   This is from an ocotillo here in Arizona, chosen so very carefully.  Ocotillo grows so densely that it can be used as a fence.  Bright red flowers grace the tips during the bloom season, and-oh, how magical-it is pollinated by hummingbirds.  It had inch long super sharp spikes up and down the stem when I pruned it.  It’s a good, strong, plant and will serve well as a wand, imbuing it with the aura of the desert.

This isn’t an overnight project-I’m going to study it and research ideas and create a lovely wand from it.  Some sanding maybe, to soften where each spike was.  A rose quartz to crown the top maybe?  (It must be a pink stone, of course!  If I were to choose another color, rather than one I love more than any other, it wouldn’t have the same super-power).   Gold dust along the stem possibly.  What else?   What would you add to this already beautiful wand-in-the-making?

Tea Time!

ImageIt was an afternoon of decorating hats, making wishes, reading tea leaves and tasting delicious treats, all within a circle of women. Today marked our 2nd official MoonStruck event and once again we celebrate a success! Not large in numbers but everyone who was meant to be a part of today, was. My mother-in-law was in town and a wonderful addition to our circle.

This particular gathering attracted a much younger demographic (a nine month old and her 4 year old sister!). I love to see the younglings surrounded by a beautiful group of diverse women. I think it is so important for their character, self-esteem and hearts to understand the importance of sisterhood as they grow into women themselves. If I ever have a daughter someday, this is the environment that will surround her. I also believe it is just as important for us adults to have young children around as a reminder for what matters in life. They help us remember a time when life was always full of magic and wonder. There is an innocence and sweetness to their interaction and relationship with the world. We should all cherish such moments. Image

I come away from days like this feeling inspired. I have a renewed sense of passion and creativity. I feel blessed to be in the company of such amazing and loving women. This is what MoonStruck is all about. It’s the whimsy of little treasures that sparkle, the laughter during story telling, the connection and support we feel when going through a difficult time, the inspiration that comes from learning something new and the recognition that each of these women are ultimately a reflection of a part of myself. I am not separate from them, nor they from I. We may be individual threads, but we all come from the same glittering tapestry.

To all current and future MoonStruckers, may you be blessed and discover the magic that awaits you!

Dancing Goddesses

I spent yesterday at a belly dance festival with my mum. 7 hours of performances, each one unique and beautiful. We sat and watched in amazement and awe. These were women who truly understood what it meant to embrace their inner wild woman and let her dance! The costumes were bursting with color, bellies shimmied and undulated like snakes and drum beats echoed throughout the theater. It was hard not to be filled with emotion while watching these women. Different ages, sizes and ethnic backgrounds but all joined by their love of dance. Some moved to haunting melodies~ each note touching a part of their soul, apparent by the look in their eyes. Others yipped and hopped with smiles and upbeat expressions across their faces. Certain performances and costumes simplistic in nature and yet others robust with theatrics. It was an exhibition of grace, beauty, sensuality and play. Below are some of my favorite photos of the event…enjoy!





These are a few of my favorite things…

Pumpkins, redwoods, babies and flowers.

Kisses and love and bear hugs for hours.


Hooping and spinning and laughing while playing.

Listening to music and smiling while swaying.


Pregnant mamas full in their glow.

Sledding down hills for the first time in snow.


Sunrise and sunsets sharing their light.

Twinkling stars in the sky so bright.


Children who giggle and squiggle and stand on their heads.

Sleeping and dreaming as they lay in their beds.


The sound of rain as it trickles through trees.

A warm summer day with a passing cool breeze.




These are a few of my favorite things.

Join our circle!

Maybe you have always wanted to write but don’t want to commit to having your own blog. This is a wonderful opportunity to join us and be a guest writer for MoonStruck! We are looking for women with a voice. What does your inner wild woman want to speak to the world? By sharing what we know, feel and experience, we expand our sisterhood community and learn from one another.

Topics may include~ relationships, motherhood, health and wellness, grief, sex, dance, empowerment, body image, positive affirmations, marriage, birth, menopause, spirituality etc.

We want to hear, in your words, about what matters most to you. If you are interested, please email us at moonstruckgatherings@gmail.com

Share your passions with us!

MoonStruck Logo Design Contest!

ImageHello MoonStruckers! We are calling all graphic designers (or any artsy types) for help designing our MoonStuck logo! The contest will run through the next 2 months and the winner announced on the day of our MoonStruck Madness event on October 27th.

What we are looking for is something that captures the essence of what we are trying to create. I picture something to the effect of a woman with wild crazy hair holding a moon in her hands…with our business name built into the design. Something colorful, beautiful, somewhat playful or whimsical and feminine.

Words to help inspire ideas- wild woman, transition, creativity, moon, feminine, sisterhood, divine

Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for design services at this time, so it has been decided that the winner will receive a custom KamaHooptra hula hoop and recognition on our website.

You have until October 24 to submit your entries. Please email them to moonstruckgatherings@gmail.com

Thank you and happy designing!